Reptiles and Amphibians

4 028 din.

There is enormous and growing worldwide interest in reptiles and amphibians in their natural habitats and in captivity. As the number of herpetologists, and the range of their interests, increases fast, veterinary practitioners are faced by an even wider array of animals kept as pets, in collections or for research, and knowledge of reptile and amphibian medicine is thus routinely expected of them.

This Self-Assessment Colour Review presents the reader with some 250 short cases in the form of colour photos and questions at different levels of expertise, plus detailed explanatory answers. The cases appear in random order, just as they would in real life, and enable the reader - by solving the clinical puzzle - to make differential diagnoses, treatment plans and prognoses. Both authors lecture internationally and Dr Frye is among the world’s foremost authorities on reptile and amphibian medicine. Experienced and less experienced veterinary practitioners and students, plus professional and amateur herpetologists, find in this Colour Review a wealth of problem-oriented information of value - and enjoyment - in their formal and informal training and continuing education.

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